We discovered Insalata Caprese in Italy a few years ago, and it’s the reason I decided to grow tomatoes this year. It’s so easy it should be criminal, and so elegant it’ll class up any meal. The key is to buy the very best ingredients you can find -- fresh basil, fresh (preferably vine ripened) tomatoes, fresh
buffalo mozzarella, (real Italian
mozzarella di bufala preferred, although there are some very good American brands, both available at high end supermarkets and specialty food stores), and top quality extra virgin olive oil and aged balsamic vinegar. (This dish will make the meal, so spend the money on the quality ingredients and scrimp on the meat!)
INSALATA CAPRESE4 ripe tomatoes, sliced
8 ounces fresh buffalo mozzarella, sliced
1 bunch fresh basil
Salt & pepper to taste
Extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar to dress
Line salad plate with largest of basil leaves.
Layer sliced tomatoes, each topped with a basil leaf and a slice of the fresh mozzarella. Salt and pepper each layer to taste.
Top with reserved basil leaves. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Great with a medium rare Tuscan style steak, a glass of Brunello, and panacotta for dessert.
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